Thursday, June 16, 2011

On Monstrous Moonshine and Mirror Symmetry

Japanese version
I would like to mention some comment for the article "Monstrous Moonshine and Mirror Symmetry I and II" witten by Professor Helena Verrill. Two crucial points are i) Ogg's Theorem and ii) mirror map can be defined by Picard-Fuchs equation. And they are related to elliptic curves.

Monstrous Mooshine and Mirror Symmetry III

the original Japanese version:

Monstrous Mooshine and Mirror Symmetry III (in Japanese)

However, I rewrote a little when I translated into English because the original article contains some quotations from Japanese journals and it is not worth talking about Japanese journal.

the original articles:

Monstrous Moonshine and Mirror Symmetry I

Monstrous Moonshine and Mirror Symmetry II

Professor Helena Verrill's Home Page:

Helena Verrill's Home Page


  1. I have matched the content of a Japanese version to this English version.

    And add a explanation of pencils.

  2. In Strings 2011 Miranda Cheng gave the lecture titled "M24, K3 String Theories, and the Holographic Moonshines." She also gave the similar lecture in StringMath 2011.

    She talked the so-called M_24 version of Monstrous Moonshine for Monster group and the relation to Holographic principle and AdS/CFT.

    It is very interesting lecture.
