Saturday, September 24, 2011

Riemann Zeta Function and Functional Equation IV

Japanese version
I will post a translation of German Sierra's "A Physcs Pathway to the Riemann Hypothesis(arxiv:1012.4264)" without comments.Now the third time. The subtitle is "H=xp model and Landau level."

The original preprint:

A Phyiscs Pathway to the Riemann Hypothesis(arxiv:1012.4264)

A Japanese translation:
A Phyiscs Pathway to the Riemann Hypothesis section 4 and 5 (H=xp model and Landau level)

Riemann Zeta Function and Functional Equation III

Japanese version
I will post a translation of German Sierra's "A Physcs Pathway to the Riemann Hypothesis(arxiv:1012.4264)" without comments.Now the second time. The subtitle is "From Selberg to Quantum Chaos."

The original preprint:

A Phyiscs Pathway to the Riemann Hypothesis(arxiv:1012.4264)

A Japanese translation:
A Phyiscs Pathway to the Riemann Hypothesis section 2 and 3 (From Selberg to Quantum Chaos)

Friday, September 9, 2011

A glossary of physics on PBS with links to

Japanese version
I added links to, to the glossary of physics that is quoted in the PBS's interview of E. Witten.

a glossary of physics with links to

A glossary with links to

the original glossary:

A glossary of physics

Sunday, September 4, 2011

A translation of "The spin of gauge bosons: vector particles" of Quantum Diaries

Japanese only version
I complete to translate the very nice article by US LHC Mr. Flip Tanedo on Quantum Diary, titled "The spin of gauge bosons: vector particles" and post it my BLOG.

In the previous article he explains the difference between helicity and chirality of fermions. And now for bozons he explains the relation between spin and them properties. I hope he will mention about Higgs mechanism in the next post.

An only Japanese translation:

The spin of gauge bosons: vector particles (Japanese only version)

Japanese translation Part I:

The spin of gauge bosons: vector particles Part I(Japanese)

Japanese translation Part II:

The spin of gauge bosons: vector particles Part II(Japanese)

The original article on QuantumDiaries:

The spin of gauge bosons: vector particles

"Viewpoints on String Theory" on PBS

Japanese version Part I Japanese version Part II
The interview article on Mr. E.Witten (listener NOVA) is published in the science column of the net magazine named PBS by the title "Viewpoints on String Theory". Because it was introductory new topic, I had translated into Japanese and posted it on my blog.

The original article:

Viewpoints on String Theory

My translation I:
Viewpoints on String Theory I (only Japanese)

My translation II:
Viewpoints on String Theory II (only Japanese)

I will make the glossary that comes out in the above article into Japanese.