Japanese version
In 23 Oct 2011 I gave a talk about "Zeta function and statistic dynamics", which reports are posted below.
Zeta Function and Statistical Dynamics 1, Distribution of prime numbers
Zeta Function and Statistical Dynamics II 2,The origin of connection between Phys. and NT.
Zeta Function and Statistical Dynamics III 3,Various zeta functions
Zeta Function and Statistical Dynamics IV 4,Statistical Dynamics and Zeta Functions A
Zeta Function and Statistical Dynamics V 4,Statistical Dynamics and Zeta Functions B
Zeta Function and Statistical Dynamics VI appendix
The Japanese version of the appendix in "Planck's law" is more detail than the English version and I translate it into English.
The appendix of "Planck's Law"(in English)
The English version of the appendix in "Boltzmann's law" is more detail than the Japanese version and I translate it into Japanese.
The appendix of "Stefan Boltzmann law" (in Japanese)
The above two articles explain the way of the calculation of some integrals appearing in the thermo-statistical dynamics using the special value of Riemann zeta function.
Harald Bohr (1887-1951), "only mathematician to win an Olympic medal", applied analysis to number theory & died 22 Jan
published on "Mathhistory" in twitter
I have not known the fact that Mr Herald is a brother of the famous physicist Nield Bohr, and correct the document.