Thursday, May 19, 2011

Monstrous Moonshine and Mirror Symmetry I

Japanese version
In about 2002 I was very much impressed by an article titled "Monstrous Moonshine and Mirror Symmetry," which was described in the Home page of Helena Verrill (Now professor of Louisiana UNIV.). Just 1 years ago I posted on my Japanese BLOG with her permission.

Monstrous Moonshine and Mirror Symmetry I(in English)

Monstrous Moonshine and Mirror Symmetry I(in Japanese)


  1. Ogg's remark for monstrous moonshine(monster group) is contained in

    Andrew P. Ogg, Automorphismes de courbes modulaires. Seminaire Delange-Pisot-Poitou. Theorie des nombres, tome 16, no. 1 (1974–1975), exp. no. 7, p. 7,

    which one can get on InterNet.

  2. Andrew P. Ogg said in this paper,

    "Une bouteille de Jack Daniels est offerte a celui qui expliquera cette coincidence."
