Sunday, July 31, 2011

Topics appearing in E. Verlinde’s lecture IV

Japanese version
22 Jun. and 1st Jul Dr. E.Verlinde gave the lectures titled "The Hidden Phase Space of Our Universe" at Perimeter inst. and Uppsala. I have found another article concering to the E. Verlinde's arguments in The title of that article is "Relation between Verlinde's Entropic gravity and AdS/CFT," which is under Physics Forums > Physics > Beyond the Standard Model as same as the previous article "CDM/MOND duality through Holography."

Because I had firstly looked at the comments by E. Verlinde himself about his first paper not on his own home page but on Mr. Lubos Motl's blog. At that time, seemingly they have the same opinion, but gradually, I feel that they differ each other when seeing well. One of difference is the interpretation of the diagonal entries of open strings as the following article.

In the artice there are some quotes between Mr. Mitchell Porter and Lubos Motl. I search the original, but I cannot find the original. Well, it is natural that there are the different opinions in this area.

The original article is:

Relation between Verlinde's Entropic gravity and AdS/CFT

I translated this article into Japanese.

Relation between Verlinde's Entropic gravity and AdS/CFT

1 comment:

  1. ☆ The article on 7 Jan. 2010 by Lubos Motl is an only introduction of entropic gravity theory.

    "Gravity as a holographic entropic force"

    ☆ The article on 24 Jan. 2010 by him is very critical against it.

    "Why gravity can't be entropic"

    In the comments of the latter there are the argument by Mr. Mitchell Porter and Mr. Lubos Motl.

    Moreover there is an critical comment by Mr. Matti Pitkanen against entropic gravity theory.
