Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A translation "D0 rejects CDF's claim on top-antitop mass difference, too" into Japanese

Japanese version
14 Jun. on L. Motl's blog an article titled "D0 rejects CDF's claim on top-antitop mass difference, too" was posted. I translated a little carefully into Japanese.

It said that there no dump such as CDF in D0 data and moreover, it rejects the difference of mass between top and anti-top quarks, which is closely related to the CPT-symmetry.

the original article:

D0 rejects CDF's claim on top-antitop mass difference, too

the Japanese version:

D0 rejects CDF's claim on top-antitop mass difference, too (in Japanese)


  1. I said to Mr. Lubos Motl.


    It is a wonderful explanation for the D0 data and CPT-symmetry. I understand that there are some subtle problems behind them. Thank you. I must reward to you. This article is also translated into Japanese, and it is posted on my blog.

    I understand well the meaning of "Fukushima" in the previous day. I have noticed the statement "Pray for Japan" on the behind in your blog pages.

    My best regards in the future.

    Re:Lubos Motl

    Thanks a lot, Ken! It would be good if you translated it including the Japanese kittens.

  2. On the head of the original article "Good news" is added, "It is likely to reach 1/femtobarn with LHC on several days"

    This is reflected in my Japanese translation of it.
