Sunday, October 30, 2011

Zeta Functions and Statistical Dynamics (Seminar) I

Japanese version
In 23 Oct.2011 Mathematical Physics Seminar the second I gave a talk about "Zeta Functions and Statistical Dynamics," I will post its report on my BLOG as part I-part VI. And now as part I "0:Introduction" and "1:Distribution of prime numbers" are posted. The talk is related Mr. Konishi's talk at the first seminar.

The contents are the following :


1,Distribution of prime numbers (Riemann zeta function)

2,The origin of unification of NT. and Phys.

3,Various zeta functions

4,Statistical Dynamics and Zeta Functions

App. A story of (Thermo) Statistical Dynamics

Zeta Functions and Statistical Dynamics I

Monday, October 17, 2011

A translation of "Who ate the Higgs?" on QuantumDiaries.

Japanese version
I complete to translate the very nice article by US LHC Mr. Flip Tanedo on Quantum Diary, titled "Who ate the Higgs? " and post it my BLOG.

In the previous article he explained the relation between spin and them properties. Now he mentions about Higgs.

A Japanese translation:

Who ate the Higgs? (only Japanese version)

The original article on QuantumDiaries:

Who ate the Higgs?

Sunday, October 9, 2011

On Hagedorn temperature

Japanese version 8 Mar.Japanese version 10 Oct.
I will talk about Hagedorn temperature. It is very important for both thermodynamics and particle physics.

Hagedorn temperature

Hagedorn temperature is related to Riemann zeta function but I will talk about this relation on another chance.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Zeta functions, statistical mechanics and Haar measure (prologue)

Japanese version
This Blog is very interesting from the viewpoint of number theory and statistic dynamics. So I have translated all into Japanese. It starts with the argument of the probability that 2 positive integers are coprime each other.

the original blog by Qiaochu Yuan

Zeta functions, statistical mechanics and Haar measure

a Japanese translation I:

Zeta functions, statistical mechanics and Haar measure I(in Japanese)

a Japanese translation II:

Zeta functions, statistical mechanics and Haar measure II(in Japanese)