Friday, March 23, 2012

Quantropy Part3

Japanese version before half
Japanese version after half

Now, "Quantropy (Part3)," the series by Dr. John Baez and I translated them into Japanese.

the before half of Part3 (in Japanese)

the after half of Part3 (in Japanese)

The original article:

Quantropy (Part 3)

Quantropy Part2

Japanese version before half
Japanese version after half

Now, "Quantropy (Part2)," the series by Dr. John Baez and I translated them into Japanese.

the before half of Part2 (in Japanese)

the after half of Part2 (in Japanese)

The original article:

Quantropy (Part 2)

Quantropy Part1

Japanese version before half
Japanese version after half

I posted on my Blog "the zero-th talk" about my motivation to thermo-dynamics. I am interested in the article "Quantropy," series by Dr. John Baez and I translated them into Japanese.

the before half of Part1 (in Japanese)

the after half of Part1 (in Japanese)

The original article:

Quantropy (Part 1)

Friday, March 9, 2012

Introducing categorification into mathmatical finance

Japanese version

I told my motivation on the zeor-th talk. It is surprizing for me that Black-Scholes equation is related to Schroedinger equation by imaginary time transformation, which is posted on Phorgy Phynance as an article. In the previous post I told it with relating to Feynman-Kac formula, one of Feynman integral that is exactly proved by mathmatics. On BLOG n-cafe, Mr. Eric stresses the analogy that as just a particle is categorified into string price, option, is categorified into "price curve," bond.Namely, let consider some categorification of Black-Scholes equation.
The original article posted by John Baez in Aug 2008:

Classical String Theory and Categorified Symplectic Geometry

And I traslated into Japanese the comment part by Mr. Eric of it.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Classical Mechanics versus Thermodynamics (Part 2)

Japanese version The 4-th talk
Japanese version The 5-th talk

I post on my Blog "the zero-th talk" about my motivation to thermo-dynamics. The article "Classical Mechanics versus Thermodynamics" is posted on the same blog "AZIMUTH" as the previous "the first talk (translation): Max and Min Princeple in Classical, Statistical and Quantum dynamics." So I translated it into Japanese.

Classical Mechanics versus Thermodynamics 1 (Part 2)(tentative)(in Japanese)

Classical Mechanics versus Thermodynamics 2 (Part 2)(tentative)(in Japanese)

The original article:

Classical Mechanics versus Thermodynamics (Part 2)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Classical Mechanics versus Thermodynamics (Part 1)

Japanese version The second talk
Japanese version The third talk

I post on my Blog "the zero-th talk" about my motivation to thermo-dynamics. The article "Classical Mechanics versus Thermodynamics" is posted on the same blog "AZIMUTH" as the previous "the first talk (translation): Max and Min Princeple in Classical, Statistical and Quantum dynamics." So I translated it into Japanese.

Classical Mechanics versus Thermodynamics 1 (Part 1)(tentative)(in Japanese)

Classical Mechanics versus Thermodynamics 2 (Part 1)(tentative)(in Japanese)

The original article:

Classical Mechanics versus Thermodynamics (Part 1)

Now, on this article there is the idea that symplectic geomety should be introduced into thermo-dynamics.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The 1st talk:On Imaginary Time Tranfomation (Wick Rotation)

Japanese version

I am attracted in the charm of imaginary time transformation (Wick rotation). I had already indicated my motive of it in the 0-th talk. About imaginary time transformation there is various arguments for long time. On Dr. John Baez's blog, Mr. Mike Stay, perhaps who is a student of Dr. John Baez, posts a article and he proposes some very interesting ideas. Then I translated into Japanese.

Extremal Principles in Classical, Statistical and Quantum Mechanics(tentative)(in Japanese)

the original article by Mr. Mike Stay:

Extremal Principles in Classical, Statistical and Quantum Mechanics

In addition, there is very interesting comments but I will omit.

Friday, March 2, 2012

The zero-th talk: Why Wick rotation? My motivation

Japanese version

I decide that the zero-th talk is named "Why Wick rotation?" For a background I suspect in this talk why thermo-statistical dynamics can detect the crack of a physical theory.

Imaginary Time Tranformation (Wick rotation)

It is greatly based on the article of Professor Eguchi in Suurikagaku January, 2001 titled "The arrow of time."