Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Why do we expect a Higgs boson? Part II:Unitarization of Vector Boson Scattering

Japanese version

I translated the article posted on QuantumDiaries by US LHC F. Tanedo, "Why do we expect a Higgs boson? Part II: Unitarization of Vector Boson Scattering." This article is written intelligibly and in detail about the story of Higgs particle and the unitarization of vector bosons. It is expected from the end of last year PartI was posted.

Why do we expect a Higgs boson? Part II: Unitarization of Vector Boson Scattering (Japanese only version)

The original article:

Why do we expect a Higgs boson? Part II: Unitarization of Vector Boson Scattering

Monday, February 27, 2012

The 7-th and 8-th talks, Quantum Black Holes

The 7-th talk Japanese versionThe 8-th talk Japanese version

The imaginary time transformations(Wick rotations) play a very important role in the theory of Black Holes. Dr. Hawking Told the idea of the imaginary time transformation on the textbook "The Nature of Space and Time" published by Princeton and Oxford UNIV. press. I translated few parts that relate to the imaginary time transformation into Japanese from chapter III of it.

Quantum Black Holes I (in Japanese)

Quantum Black Holes II (in Japanese)

The original book:

"The Nature of Space and Time" Chapter III

Sunday, February 26, 2012

The 6-th talk:Black-Scholes and Schroedinger

Japanese version

I was astonishing that the imaginary time transformation(Wick rotation) makes Schroedinger equation for an electron in the electromagnetic field to Black-Scholes formula in the famous formula in economics. I recognized by John Baez's blog azimath that it is described on Phorgy Phynance. It might be related to Feynman-Kac formula. I have translated it into Japanese and post my blog.

Black-Scholes and Schroedinger(tentative)(in Japanese)

The original article:

Black-Scholes and Schrodinger

Categorified Option Pricing Theory